Spirit By Design: Your Weekly Survival Guide

What is Your Path Forward in 2023? Don't Make Resolutions, Create a Vison!

January 03, 2023 Todd Andrewsen Season 2 Episode 143
What is Your Path Forward in 2023? Don't Make Resolutions, Create a Vison!
Spirit By Design: Your Weekly Survival Guide
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Spirit By Design: Your Weekly Survival Guide
What is Your Path Forward in 2023? Don't Make Resolutions, Create a Vison!
Jan 03, 2023 Season 2 Episode 143
Todd Andrewsen

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To truly accomplish the goals you want, you need to have a plan, and you need to write it down, in detail exactly what you want.

2023 is here. What are you going to do? What is your path forward? If you do nothing, it will look very much like 2022.

One of my primary goals this year is to become financially free by helping as many people as possible to also earn a million dollars or more and live the life they desire. Maybe you don’t desire money, but you desire to have your life in order. Both of these ideas require certain steps, and those steps are: Getting your mind and body right; getting your spirit and emotions under control; and learning to make decisions, act on them, and assess the outcome of those decisions and actions and adjust accordingly.

In this episode I suggest how to start. Where should you begin to plan for the next year? Listen up and find out.

I am offering a four-week intensive deep dive into decision making for the future. Learn how to be decisive and make the changes you need to make to achieve your goals for the new year. I promise that I will cut out the Bull and dive right to the meat of the problem. Then help you figure out a plan to move forward. You can email me at toddtalksllc@gmail.com or you can click on the calendar invite for a free 10-minute consultation to see if I would be a good fit to help.

Consultation invite link: https://calendly.com/toddtalksllc/inititalconsult

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You can reach me anytime at
email: tandrewsen.monat@gmail.com
Instagram @toddtalks_ig

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Show Notes Transcript

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To truly accomplish the goals you want, you need to have a plan, and you need to write it down, in detail exactly what you want.

2023 is here. What are you going to do? What is your path forward? If you do nothing, it will look very much like 2022.

One of my primary goals this year is to become financially free by helping as many people as possible to also earn a million dollars or more and live the life they desire. Maybe you don’t desire money, but you desire to have your life in order. Both of these ideas require certain steps, and those steps are: Getting your mind and body right; getting your spirit and emotions under control; and learning to make decisions, act on them, and assess the outcome of those decisions and actions and adjust accordingly.

In this episode I suggest how to start. Where should you begin to plan for the next year? Listen up and find out.

I am offering a four-week intensive deep dive into decision making for the future. Learn how to be decisive and make the changes you need to make to achieve your goals for the new year. I promise that I will cut out the Bull and dive right to the meat of the problem. Then help you figure out a plan to move forward. You can email me at toddtalksllc@gmail.com or you can click on the calendar invite for a free 10-minute consultation to see if I would be a good fit to help.

Consultation invite link: https://calendly.com/toddtalksllc/inititalconsult

Support the show

You can reach me anytime at
email: tandrewsen.monat@gmail.com
Instagram @toddtalks_ig

To be perfectly honest, I’ve struggled the last six months with overwhelm. I’m sure you’ve been there. Let me explain. In an effort to grow my side business into a viable business, I’ve been trying lots of new things. I signed up for training on how to perfect my funnel, learn about marketing, perfect my product, know my niche etc. I also attended and spoke about on here the Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins worldwide mastermind event that I attended, which showcased how to build a course, develop it and market it. I’ve been interviewing super successful coaches and businesspeople from all over the world for this podcast, launched a new YouTube channel called meditative mind to provide calm in this stormy world, and finally, created a Shopify store, liveyouradventure.net, to showcase products based on the ideas from this podcast.

One of the primary results of this, is overwhelm. Doing too much all at once, not seeing instantaneous results, which leads to frustration and easily becomes burnout.

Do you feel me?

Have you been there?

Do you know those feelings of frustration and self-deception? I say self-deception because I know I’m not perceiving the whole fruits of my labors. I know that many people have been helped by what I teach. 

And like you, I still struggle to not be overwhelmed and just throw my hands in the air and bury my head in the sand.

This is todd talks where I help you design your best life, not the life I design for you but the life you desire. This episode I am opening up about where I am, where I want to go, and my goals for the next few years.

Why? Because I want to take you with me.

Too often I feel like I come across as a used car salesman when I begin on social media to “sell” the idea of whichever podcast episode I am promoting, or when I promote any of the half-dozen things I listed at the start of the show.

Yes, I want to make a million dollars. That is one of my primary goals, but I want to do that helping as many people as possible to also earn a million dollars or more and live the life you desire. Maybe you don’t desire money, but you desire to have your life in order. Both of these ideas require certain steps, and those steps are: Getting your mind and body right. Getting your spirit and emotions under control; and learning to make decisions, act on them, and assess the outcome of those decisions and actions and adjust accordingly.

I decided not to do new year's resolutions. I am setting goals. However, the goals I set are for me. You should have personal goals you don’t share until you’ve accomplished them. I believe that others will trample on your goals and try to hold you back if you let them.

Goals are attainable. Your desires are attainable. But as the bible says, do not cast your pearls before swine, meaning, don’t tell everyone what you’re going to do…just do it and then they’ll see what you’ve done.

Funny that I say this, as I’m telling you what I plan to do. But I am only telling you a portion of what I plan. Because my goals are much larger pearls than I want to share. I’ve been beaten down. I’ve been told to stop and go back to this or that. I’ve been told I am crap at certain things.

I realize that to truly accomplish the goals you want, you need to have a plan, and you need to write it down, in detail exactly what you want. Write it out in such a way that you can visualize it. You can see it in your head. That’s been my problem the last few years.

I did an episode on vision boards with Amy Earle a while back and she did a great job at explaining how vision boards work. And I’ve used a vision board to attract and bring some things to pass. But I realized today as I was contemplating what I wanted to talk about in this episode, that I need to be much more specific in my vision so that I can feel the emotion. Up to now, all the big dreams I placed on my vision board didn’t come to fruition because I couldn’t see them. I had pictures, and I had words, but I don’t think I’ve ever truly SEEN what I want. And that is what has kept me stumped, unsure, frustrated, doubting myself…these are words I’ve never used on myself in my life, until I decided it was time to truly go after my dreams.

Some big dreams and things were accomplished on my vision board. One of the reasons I need to be more specific is because some of those big events were only accomplished by increasing my debt, which is NOT one of my goals. I want financial freedom. While I made it happen to get my airline transport pilot’s license and tiffany was able to travel for four months in the states to see our kids, grandkids and be there for the birth of our second grand child, it came at a cost that I am no longer able nor willing to put up with.

From now on, financial freedom is the primary vision on my vision board. The world is only getting more expensive, and you have a choice. Continue following the crowd. Continue letting circumstances dictate to you what you are going to do, or you can choose to change. I am offering a four-week intensive deep dive into decision making for the future. Learn how to be decisive and make the changes you need to make to achieve your goals for the new year. I promise that I will cut out the Bull and dive right to the meat of the problem. Then help you figure out a plan to move forward. You can email me at toddtalksllc@gmail.com (listed in the show notes) or you can click on the calendar invite in the show notes for free 10-minute consultation to see if I would be a good fit to help.

How am I overcoming those feelings of Overwhelm? How can you overcome them? Decide on a path. Decide on a plan. Decide to move forward on one area. Eventually, all the ideas are important a nd can be implemented, but if you are feeling overwhelmed, as I have been, start by making your bed..

Did you see that video? At the Naval Academy Graduation, the Admiral speaking states that if you want to improve your life and create success, start by making your bed. Personally, I just finished folding my clothes and putting them away, cleaning up my room a bit, which gave me a little emotional breathing space to sit down and prepare this podcast episode.

The point I am making is when you are overwhelmed, clutter, chaos, things out of place all serve to keep you overwhelmed. Start small. Start with one area, maybe your bed, or the kitchen (that’s usually where I start) and clean up that area. Once you have your little zen space, you can move on and you will find you have more energy to tackle another project. Overwhelm happens when you have too much to do.

When I was at Officer training school, they purposely gave us more to do every day than we could get accomplished in one day. They wanted to teach us something. Some people didn’t or couldn’t learn the lesson and were up all night and exhausted all the time.

The lesson they were teaching was to prioritize. When you have too much to accomplish, prioritize the most important to the least important and one of the aspects that is important to learn is that your selfcare falls ahead of some of the least important things on the list…selfcare includes, sleep, exercise, healthy foods…all things that will help your mind be right to be able to determine and prioritize what is possible and accomplish that. Then, you learn to speed up some things to get more done. By the end of 14 weeks of training we were able to accomplish a lot more each day than the first few days we were there.

That’s because skills and knowledge build on each other and help you to accomplish more and more in less time. That’s how you’re able to see people teaching all over YouTube how to work less and earn more. Economics and money is dependent on value. The more value you provide, the more your information is worth. That’s why someone stocking shelves at Walmart or working the line in a fast-food industry is earning minimum wage. It’s not meant to be a living wage. It doesn’t require special skill or knowledge and can easily be replaced. Compare that to the cost of a lawyer, doctor, coach, etc that have vast amounts of knowledge that they can share to help people overcome their problems. 

As you jump into this new year, take a moment or two, or ten, and reflect on exactly what you want at the end of the year, over the next five years. Be as specific as possible so that you can see it, so that you can feel it. Once you’ve envisioned it, write it out in glorious detail. I am doing that today. So can you.

Once you know where you want to go, who you want to be, where you want to live, how you want to live…take the first step…google the first step, contact a coach to help you (I am accepting clients now for my intensive program), write out your plan, break it down from the main goal, and work backwards breaking it down into smaller and smaller chunks until you have what I would classify as daily activities that You can do. Then move forward.

Your future is yours alone to write. You can’t blame it on anyone but you if you fail. I know, I’ve tried unsuccessfully to blame others when I haven’t succeeded, and it only promotes hard feelings. Own your decisions. That’s the first lesson in this path forward. Make decisions and own them.


This is Toddtalks, I am a podcaster, coach, consultant, pilot, teacher, and friend. I am available to support you in your quest to design the life you desire. Message me at toddtalksllc@gmail.com or in the link below if you’d like more information on my intensive four-week program. Share this with your friends, Like and subscribe. Toddtalks are available on Apple, Spotify, everywhere you listen to podcasts.


And as always, have a blessed day